Happy New Year and looking forward to your posts!
Hi there! I'm Carter Sterling, and I'm an animator and an icon moderator here on Newgrounds. It's so nice to meet you!
Joined on 6/26/11
Happy New Year and looking forward to your posts!
Happy New Years Tom!! Happy waking up to *your* post lol, seeing the history page updated is always such a highlight of the new year c: appreciate ya and all you do, looking forward to seeing your posts throughout the year as well!
Happy new year!!!! I know it’s been a while but you’re legitimately a very nice person, I hope the new year treats you well
And if you ever wanna reach out n chat, don’t be a stranger!!
That's all you, you're always such a good friend!! Same goes to you always, please never refrain from saying hi if ya ever want to! Appreciate you!
AWW love ya too man!! That made me happy lol :') happy new years!!!
Happy New Years man~ *beer cling*
*vodka clink!*
u will always be a complete legend happy new years man!!!
SAYS YOU are you kidding me!! Always so talented and such a wonderful friend, happy new years!!!
list of goats?
Hell yeah it is!! Lucky to have known so many goats in my life >:) hope you're well man, happy new years!
Carter :)
Aaron :)
thnx for the mention goaty mcgotaberg
ABSOLUTELY goatis goatanon!! And despite that nickname not having a ring to it, you really are so great man c': love and appreciate ya dude!
Happy New Year!! Thanks for including me even though I too have been mostly dead online hahaha
HEY I've been pretty much dead lol!! Next year will be the rise of the living dead ;P happy new years man, appreciate you!
oh shit, i was not expecting this!, thanks alot carter! means alot, i hope one day i can get to know you better, happy new year to you
lets try not to drink alot beer this year, fellow ;)
Happy to catch ya by surprise lol! I'm glad it means a lot, happy hearing from you and I'm excited for that prospect :) happy new years!
(P.S. I never drink beer! Only vodka... even worse lol. I'll limit myself after tonight though, cheers!)
Happy New Year, Carter!
Happy New Years, man! Appreciate ya!
Happy New Year and thanks for the mention too! You are very cool and based, and I look forward to seeing more from you this year!
Says you!! I'm looking forward to seeing more from YOU this year man, you're already so talented and that's only gonna grow c: appreciate ya, happy new years!
We need to talk more carter, you're a kewl dude!
Hope 2024 treats ya a bit better, it's gonna be a great year and hope too see more from you on here! <3
You're even cooler Levi, I'm always here if ya ever wanna say hi! And absolutely man, I'm always excited to see more from you and I hope you have such a wonderful new year!
Happy new year bro! Have a good one!
You too man, you're a damn cool friend and I appreciate ya! Happy New Years!
i love u cartersterling
iidid not expct any more responses so am really drunk rn!!!! BUT LOUVVE U TOO my wnderful friend <3333 soosoooso talented nd appreciated!!! hope uu always know ur worth nd how much u bring to so manyy ppls lives!!!! frnds nd otherwise :) sososo talented!!!
I like this post it makes me feel like things are going to be okay for everyone.
thumbs up
was in a rush when i saw this yesterday but YAY happy new year carter!!! hope you have a good year :o]]
Have a good one!
HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I hope you're having such a great one, I swear you're one of the kindest people on this site :') I hope you always know how appreciated you are!